France: La version marine du panier de légumes. Une solution de livraison de poisson ultra-frais en direct de pêcheurs sélectionnés sur des critères de durabilité précis et rémunérés à un prix supérieur au marché.
Taux d'intérêt annuel de 9% sur 5 ans
France: The company promotes a more natural, vegetal diet that is better for your health and the planet, through fun products that are accessible to all.
Tax credit of 18% of the invested amount / Potential added value / Apport-cession / PEA / PEA-PME
Hauts-de-France: BioDemain is helping French farmers' conversion to organic production ! The company supports and fairly remunerates farmers during the trying period of organic conversion. It values their commitment and their products in a "n...
Tax credit of 18% of the invested amount / Potential added value / Apport-cession / PEA / PEA-PME