France: European expert in energy efficiency, specializing in reducing energy consumption.
Annual interest rate of 9% over 4 years
France: Entreprise référence dans la production d'énergie solaire photovoltaïque avec plus de 750 sites déployés.
Taux d'intérêts annuel de 6,5% sur 4 ans
France: Micro-methanization units to locally transform food biowaste into biogas and natural fertiliser.
Annual interest rate of 10% over 2 years
France: Micro-methanization units that transform bio-waste into biogas, while producing natural fertilizer.
Nouvelle Aquitaine: BASE has developped a solar panel which creates electricity and produces heat.
Tax credit of 18% of the invested amount / Value appreciation potential
Ile-de-France: Collect citizen savings to invest in renewable energy projects that are locally managed