Our mission ? To help you to give a sense of purpose to your savings!

At the heart of LITA.co, there is a will to reconcile citizens with the world of finance because we have made the following observations:

On the one hand, classical finance has clouded the relationship that citizens have with their savings and investments. Citizens want to regain confidence in their investments by giving a sense of purpose to where they put their money.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs with positive innovation are too often cast aside by the traditional financial system which has difficulties adapting to the idea that profit can no longer be the sole indicator of performance.

More than just a mission, our commitment is to participate actively and effectively in reducing social and environmental inequalities around the world in order to build a better, more sustainable and more inclusive future.

Eva & Julien, co-founders of LITA.co

Invest in social enterprises with a strong positive impact !

"At LITA.co, we are very committed to the notion of sustainable development, which implies development that is economically efficient, socially equitable and ecologically sustainable. This is why we select organizations that meet one or more \nof the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the UN"

No poverty
Zero hunger
Good health & well being
Quality education
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Clean and affordable energy
Decent work and economic growth
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Reduced inequality
Sustainable cities and communities
Responsible consumption and production
Action against climate change
Aquatic life
Land Life
Peace, justice and effective institutions
Partnerships to achieve goals

Our solution?
To give you the means to act!

Companies selected on the basis of their growth prospects, their responsibility and their positive impact on society.
100% online, 100% transparent and 100% responsible as of 100 €
From a tax deduction coupled with any dividends and / or capital gains if you have invested in the capital of a company OR the payment of periodic interest if you lend your money to a company
In a transparent way the evolution of the company in which you have invested, directly from your LITA.co account.

Access a diverse range of sustainable investment products!

In terms of

Contribute to the energy transition, education, access to employment, housing, entrepreneurship in developing countries...

In terms of
maturity and risks

Whether it is a startup, an SME, an association, a real estate or an energy project, support an organization of which you know the maturity and associated risks.

In terms of
financial product

Subscribe today to shares, bonds or cooperative shares and, in the near future, also other financial products

Find the investment offer that is right for you!

Tech for good

Invest in revolutionary start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs with significant growth prospects that put technological innovation at the service of the common good.

Sustainable real estate

Invest in socially responsible real estate companies, ecological real estate projects and new forms of housing that are striving to give everyone access to proper and sustainable housing.


Invest in projects and structures that help spreading cultural heritage in all its diversity and support creativity and artists.

Renewable energy

Invest in SMEs that actively participate in the energy transition through innovation and the production of renewable energies: solar, wind, hydraulic or biomass enery.

Social economy

Invest in cooperatives, associations and integration companies or adapted companies of the social and solidarity economy that put equity at the heart of their model.


Invest in SMEs from polluting sectors that are committed to reduce their carbon footprint and aiming to align their activities with climate change challenges.

Agriculture & Industries

Invest in farmers and transformers creating new sustainable agricultural systems or industrial players actively participating in the re-localization of new sectors.

Sustainable living

Invest in ethical brands that offer products and services with a positive social and environmental impact enabling consumers to adopt a more responsible lifestyle.

They gave a sense of purpose to their savings!
Why not you ?

Fabien Dornier

Business Angel

"Ce que j'aime avec LITA.co, c'est la possibilité de choisir les projets dans lesquels j'investis. Ici, j'ai un contact privilégié avec les entrepreneurs et l'assurance d'un impact social !" 

Peggy Banget-Mossaz

Entrepreneure et investisseuse

"L'équipe de LITA.co assure un vrai accompagnement, que ce soit en conseils avant d'investir ou en suivi après. En investissant dans des entreprises qui ont du sens, on devient acteur du changement !"

Philippe Robert

Cadre en industrie

"J’ai pu trouver un réel accompagnement grâce à une équipe très à l’écoute correspondant aux valeurs dans lesquelles je souhaitais prendre part. La force de LITA.co ? Les choix très diversifiés en terme d’investissement, que ce soit sur les produits et les tickets d’entrée !"

Nathalie Dupuis-Hepner


"L’accompagnement pédagogique et personnalisé est très appréciable. La plateforme est facile d’utilisation. J’apprécie aussi la diversité des entreprises proposées."
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