
Foncière Chênelet

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  • Clean and affordable energy
  • Reduced inequality
  • Sustainable cities and communities
Impact category Sustainable real estate Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 284 320.96



Since 2009, Foncière Chênelet has been offering very high quality ecological housing to the populations with the lowest incomes. As a pioneer in ecological social housing, the company builds or renovates comfortable, low-energy housing adapted to the elderly or families with a disabled member, to offer them a rewarding living environment. At the same time, the company is creating local development dynamics for other actors: employment, training, use of local and ecological resources.

2017 is the year of the change of scale for Foncière Chênelet with a strong desire to spread its model throughout the country and to position itself in parallel with new construction on the rehabilitation of old housing.


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Amount collected
€ 284 320.96
Financial product
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