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  • Youth
  • General Interest
  • Performing Arts
  • Quality education
  • Sustainable cities and communities
Impact category Culture Degree of maturity Development
Amount collected : € 88 300.00



Beyond passion and learning, EDLS offers artistic community meeting places. Through its two sites, in Uccle and La Hulpe, EDLS accompanies young and old, Amateur Artists and Pros, on their way towards the stage, whether it is with theatre, music, dance or singing. Professional artists can also work in residence and perform during showcases or evenings open to everyone.

Thanks to the large network of its founders within the Belgian cultural world, EDLS offers you the opportunity to participate in its development while benefiting from the Tax Shelter. Come aboard of this cultural adventure and support artistic creation and its talents !

EDLS offers community spaces dedicated to performing arts.

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Edit L.

I invested in EDLS because it is an investment in the local community.

Antoine B.

I invested in EDLS because the business model seems viable to me while offering the possibility for as many people as possible to participate in their activities.

Caroline V.

I invested in EDLS because I believe in this project with a strong cultural and social impact.

joseph s.

I invested in EDLS because it is a good portfolio diversification, I believe in the culture.

Emmanuel v.

I invested in EDLS because I want the notion of community to flourish in the performing arts.


Reasons to invest

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Amount collected
€ 88 300
Financial product
Investing in unlisted companies carries the risk of losing all the money invested.