
Le Fourgon

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  • Re-use
  • Home Delivery
  • Local
  • Zero waste
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Action against climate change
Impact category Sustainable living Degree of maturity Acceleration
Amount collected : € 931 900.00



Founded in 2021, Le Fourgon reinvents the old-fashioned milkman service by delivering beverages and reusable products to homes and offices using electric vans. After a promising launch in Lille, the company expanded throughout Northern France and rapidly into several major French cities (Bordeaux, Toulouse, Strasbourg, Lyon, Nantes, Nancy, etc.). Today, it operates 18 warehouses near each of these cities to centralize a diverse range of nearly 2,500 items, primarily from local producers (within 150 km of the warehouses).

Le Fourgon now offers a wide array of new products: hygiene items, cosmetics, rice, pasta, vegetables, flour, sugar, applesauce, etc., which has increased the average basket size by over €14 and boosted its private label brand to account for 18% of sales (up from 7.5% in 2023). With its new locations, Le Fourgon reused nearly 8.6 million bottles in 2023—a first in France—and achieved a strong revenue growth of over €1.9 million per month. The service has won the approval of more than 58,000 customers, with a satisfaction rating of 4.97/5 on Trustpilot.

Having raised €17 million since its inception, including €3 million in bonds from 1,526 citizens via in 2023, Le Fourgon continues its expansion momentum and aims to solidify its model. It is now inviting its community to invest €3 million in its capital alongside existing investors, in preparation for its Series B funding round planned for 2025.

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3 co-founders, 320 employees

Observing that no simple and effective solution existed for reducing waste, especially plastic bottles, Charles Christory, Maxime Tharin, and Stéphane Dessein decided to combine their expertise in entrepreneurship, digital technology, and the food industry to create Le Fourgon in April 2021. Charles and Stéphane previously worked together at Adictiz, a start-up founded by Charles in 2009 where Stéphane was the CTO. Adictiz is known for developing numerous mobile games, including "Paf le chien" (25 million players). After selling the company in 2018, they gained valuable experience in a rapidly growing start-up (with €5 million in revenue at the time of sale), including multiple rounds of funding, and developed strong digital skills. Maxime, on the other hand, has key experience in the food industry as a buyer. With rapid growth since its inception, Le Fourgon now employs over 320 people, representing an increase of nearly 100% in just one year.

Charles Christory
Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Stéphane Dessein
Co-founder & Technical Director
Maxime Tharin
Co-founder & Operations Director


Every year in France, we consume 100 billion food packaging units, primarily made of plastic. Unfortunately, only 25% of these packages are actually recycled. The rest is either incinerated (50%) or buried in the ground (25%). Plastic also poses significant problems for biodiversity and human health. Microplastics are now pervasive and are serious disruptors for humans, causing issues such as cancers and reduced fertility. Moreover, the market for glass packaging (bottles or jars) faces increasing supply constraints due to the significant rise in gas prices. The cost of new glass bottles, for instance, increased by an average of 15% per year between 2017 and 2021 and surged by up to 60% in 2022. As a result, glass production or recycling incurs high costs and has a significant carbon footprint, as it requires heating the raw material to 1,600°C for 24 hours. Single-use glass, even with recycling, represents a substantial waste of raw materials and energy, as well as a significant carbon footprint for production, transportation, and processing. Additionally, there is its impact on biodiversity due to landfill pollution and littering.


In response to the challenges of reducing pollution and resource waste associated with single-use packaging, Le Fourgon adopts a reuse model by organizing a home and office delivery service using electric vans. Consumers can order from a catalog of nearly 2,500 diverse and mostly local products at prices comparable to those in large retail stores. They select a two-hour delivery window, receive their order within the day, and return empty bottles and jars from their previous delivery. Glass containers are washed by Le Fourgon's partners and can be reused up to 40 times. This approach reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 79%, water consumption by 33%, and energy consumption by 75% compared to recycled glass. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) conducted by Le Fourgon demonstrates that, after just three uses, a reusable glass container has a better environmental impact than single-use packaging (whether glass, plastic, or metal). Additionally, reuse is becoming an increasingly strategic solution for food industry players in terms of cost and supply security, given the energy constraints affecting the glass industry.

Economic model

Le Fourgon offers nearly 2,500 diverse products from 440 producers and brands, with a focus on selecting local products in each city of operation (currently over 50% of the offer). The company operates on a buy/sell model, with a buffer stock of goods at each warehouse. These warehouses are strategically located in carefully chosen areas based on their potential. Local teams handle order preparation, and products are delivered by salaried drivers. Bottle washing is managed by regional partners, such as Haut la Consigne in Hauts-de-France, Bout’ à Bout’ in Nantes, Angers, and Rennes, and Rebouteille in Lyon. The logistical organization and customer experience are supported by a custom digital infrastructure developed in-house based on the tech expertise of the two co-founders. Le Fourgon primarily targets individuals, with over 58,000 customers to date (a 190% increase compared to April 2023), 54% of whom continue to place orders monthly 18 months after their initial registration. The products offered are generally priced similarly to supermarket rates, with an average gross margin of 32% (excluding logistics and marketing costs). The company aims to quickly increase and densify deliveries around each new warehouse to cover fixed costs through the acquisition of new customers. All logistical sites are expected to reach their breakeven point by Q1 2025, with the company achieving overall profitability in 2026.

Long term impact

Le Fourgon’s mission is to restore the reuse of glass bottles and jars through a home and office delivery service, focusing on four key areas: 

- Reduction of Single-Use Packaging Consumption: Reuse eliminates the need for plastic bottles, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by approximately 5% in France. 

- Support and Facilitation of Local Economy Transition: The company highlights local producers and assists them in adopting reuse practices, contributing to the ecological transition. 

- Contribution to the Development of the Reuse Sector in France: Le Fourgon helps secure industrial washing projects and local reuse loops by supporting some producers in switching to a deposit system.  

- Creation of Local Jobs: The company creates jobs for each new warehouse, including positions for delivery drivers, order preparers, and other roles, all on permanent contracts.

400 Jobs created or secured
One year after the fundraising
25 millions of bottles reused
One year after the fundraising


Reasons to invest

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Fundraising goal
€ 3 000 000
Min. goal
€ 2 000 000
Max. goal
€ 4 000 000
Financial product
Financial benefits
Potential added value
€ 100.00
€ 300 000.00
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