- Decent work and economic growth
- Sustainable cities and communities
Rachat des actions détenues au capital social de la société KEENAT – EcoMégot par le biais d'une opération d'augmentation de capital. Le multiple de sortie est supérieur à 3 fois l'investissement initial.
ÉcoMégot offers a complete, professional and local solution to both private and public actors by challenging cigarette's butts recycling and reusing. At the start of 2016, Erwin Faure realized there was no process to decontaminate and recycle cigarette's butts in France. Inspired by actions implemented overseas, ÉcoMégot developed a groundbreaking solution that connect circular economy, local employment and local recycling branches. 100% french, handmade, durable : ÉcoMégot guides all volunteers, from every sectors, in the creation of their own cigarette butts free space. The cigarette stub, that poor little rubbish part of our daily landscape has the potentiel to become an economic resource and a social actor. This is their challenge, ready to follow ?
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