- Gender equality
- Reduced inequality
- Peace, justice and effective institutions
Malgré une stratégie de consolidation du groupe visant à réaliser des économies d’échelle, l'acquisition des médias Ideat et The Good Life s'est avérée plus complexe que prévu, en raison de la hausse des prix du papier et de l’énergie. Dans un contexte de marché particulièrement difficile, la maison mère de Têtu a été placée en redressement judiciaire à la fin de l'année 2023. Après plusieurs tentatives de restructuration et de refinancement, le Tribunal a validé le plan de cession des actifs du groupe, incluant le média Têtu, le 20 avril 2024.
TÊTU, a leading media for the emergence of gay identity in France for 25 years, is now committed to diversity and inclusion for the entire LGBT+ community. We owe this change to Albin Serviant, a serial entrepreneur, who bought the brand in 2018 with the aim of renewing not only its image but also its scope. Same name, new team, new content! Politics, culture, society, all subjects are addressed in order to celebrate LGBT+ culture and accompany the change of mentalities. In order to amplify its goal of becoming a global actor in the fight against discrimination, TÊTU has developped beyond the media through a diversification strategy which includes professional forums, music festivals and conferences. As a proof of this commitment, a figure from the Third Sector in France took an equity stake in TÊTU shares thus perpetuating its social and societal impact. By adopting this new multi-channel editorial line, giving more space to testimonials and fundraising topics, TÊTU increases its advocacy and representation role by reaching out to the general public while remaining dedicated to the concerns of LGBT+ people. The proof is in the personalities in one of the last issues: Christiane Taubira, Antoine Griezmann or Mika. For if France is seen as the country of human rights, it is still lagging behind when it comes to the evolution of mentalities concerning sexual orientations, transidentity and gender identities. Prejudice, violence, discrimination, a study carried out by the association SOS Homophobia shows that much remains to be done: in 2018 there was one attack every 24 hours!
The categorization of TÊTU as an IPG (political information press) allows investors to benefit from a tax exemption of 30% of the amount invested.