Hearth Project
Reducing waste
Solidarity restaurant
Sustainable food
- Zero hunger
- Reduced inequality
- Responsible consumption and production
HEARTH PROJECT is a non-profit organization founded in December 2019 with the ambition to raise awareness around food waste and to give people in difficult situations access to qualitative meals.
The ASBL recovers unsold food from large retailers and transforms it into complete and nutritional meals on a daily basis, with the help of volunteers. These are then sold to associations. HEARTH PROJECT can count on a solid network of partnerships with both food industry companies and charitable associations. Now Elliott is opening his own gastronomic restaurant, where the revalorization of recuperated products is a daily mission. The profits will be used entirely to distribute meals at charity events. To finance the realization of the restaurant and the perennity of the social production workshop, HEARTH PROJECT invites you to participate in this the adventure.
Adeline explains it all during the Live Meeting, held on December 14th ! To watch the replay, click HERE.
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Véronique D.
J'ai investi dans Hearth Project car c'est un beau projet au carrefour de toutes les préoccupations actuelles : sociales, environnementales, etc.
Walter V.
Ik heb in Hearth Project geïnvesteerd omdat voedselverspilling voorkomen en tegelijk armoede bestrijden een nobel doel is. Dat verdient steun.
Catherine A.
J'ai investi dans Hearth Project car je trouve l'idée géniale et adressant le probleme des invendus , de ne pas gaspiller des aliments et d'ameliorer la qualité nutritionnelle des drepas de beaucoup !