France: Première marketplace française de la solidarité et du réemploi, proposant un catalogue de produits 100% issus du réemploi et exclusivement alimentée par les acteurs de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire.
Réduction d'impôts IR 2024 25%
France: Une foncière solidaire agréée ESUS qui favorise une réappropriation collective de l’immobilier, autour des enjeux de la transition écologique et du lien social depuis 2020.
Taux d'intérêt annuel de 7% sur 4 ans
France: Contribuez à la lutte contre l’exclusion que mène Emmaüs depuis 1949, grâce au financement de lieux essentiels à l’insertion des personnes en situation de fragilité et d'isolement.
Réduction d'impôts IR-PME 25%
Occitanie: Un tiers-lieu implanté dans un quartier historique de Toulouse, avec l'ambition de devenir un accélérateur de ce monde en transition et expérimenter de nouveaux modes de vie, de travail et de consommation.
Taux d'intérêt annuel de 6% sur 7 ans / Réduction d'impôts IR 2023 25%
France: The first solidarity website whose catalogue is supplied by members of the Emmaüs Movement and its social partners, who train their employees, on professional integration, for digital jobs.
Annual interest rate of 4.28% over 7 years / Tax reduction IR 2023
France: Rémunérer justement les agriculteurs durant la période de conversion biologique grâce à deux marques éthiques : PourDemain (ex BioDemain) et Transition.
Plus-value potentielle / Réduction d'impôt IR 25% 2022
France: A key player in Alsace in the ecological transition of the textile industry, which is committed to preserving the region's traditional craftsmanship and relocating the entire linen industry.
Annual interest rate of 7% over 5 years
Occitanie - Provence - Corse: A new collaborative model between investors and producers aiming to relocate and develop the French almond growing sector.
Tax credit of 25% in the invested amount / Potential added value / Apport-cession / PEA-PME / PEA
France: Wanted is a social cooperation community of one million members that creates the solidarity cafés of tomorrow, for a more inclusive and sustainable society.
Tax credit of 18% of the invested amount / Potential added value / Contribution-cession / PEA / PEA-PME
Occitanie: Waste revalorization in organic fertilizer to limit the pressure on natural resources and fight climate change.
Tax credit of 25% in the invested amount / Potential added value / Apport-cession / PEA-PME / PEA
France: The first online solidarity shop whose catalogue is exclusively supplied by social and solidarity economy players who train their employees in integration courses in digital professions.
Tax credit of 25% of the invested amount
Aquitaine: The group of organic farms that structures a blueberry industry in France while promoting agroecological practices.
Annual rate interest of 5% over 5 years, impact premium at 4000€ in year 2 and 5, a splitted pro-rata to investo...
Hauts-de-France: BioDemain is helping French farmers' conversion to organic production ! The company supports and fairly remunerates farmers during the trying period of organic conversion. It values their commitment and their products in a "n...
Tax credit of 18% of the invested amount / Potential added value / Apport-cession / PEA / PEA-PME